• Karalyn's Kitties

DONATIONS TO GRAND VALLEY PETS ALIVE go directly to saving lives, by reducing pet overpopulation and suffering through Spay / Neuter of pet cats, dogs, rabbits and TNR (trap-neuter-return) of feral/colony cats.

Click the SUPPORT tab today and help us create a better world for animals!

Holiday Closures


January closure dates:

Monday January 27, 2025

Click the EVENTS tab to see the FUN😀 new events scheduled!

Thanks to all who supported GVPA through the Colorado Gives Day fundraiser.

Net funds raised: $3850.70

Six monthly donors make a big difference! One donation, from a new donor, has come in after Dec. 10. Donors from anywhere can use Colorado Gives on the GVPA website, under SUPPORT, to donate or set up monthly donations. We are clearing our waiting list and sending vouchers! www.coloradogives.org/GrandValleyPetsAlive

COMMUNITY FIRST FOUNDATION is a good way to donate to GVPA year round.  Look for the link on our SUPPORT page.

Reducing the number of unwanted and homeless pets in our community through the humane methods of Spay/Neuter and Trap-Neuter-Release.

Subscribe to our newsletters to receive information about upcoming events, spay/neuter reports, and more!


Chris (Columbus, Explorer Kitten)

Chris is a spunky, playful, loving, little girl who is winning the battle against a painful problem.   

Due to a birth defect in her colon, eliminating was difficult.  She would cry in pain when trying to pass a stool.  Her chances of surviving were in doubt. 

Chris came to me on June 18, 2022, with 3 litter mates.  She had an emergency veterinary visit the next day. She was about 5 weeks old, and weighed .68 pounds.   Her litter mates were soon double her size, and moved on to be adopted.  Next came “cousins” who were half her age, but the same size.  They, too, went on to be adopted.

Chris tolerated the medicines, enemas, baths, and care needed.  Dr. Seeley is her principal vet at Monument View Veterinary Hospital, she has charmed the staff there.  Marie at Loma Cat House helped with enemas and cleaning. 

On January 26, 2023 Chris was fit enough to be spayed.  Dr. Seeley examined her colon during this surgery.  Possible surgery to repair her colon has been ruled out.  Chris is now eliminating normally, most of the time, with the help of laxatives.  She is a wild girl, racing around the house, playing with her toys, and cuddling with me when she slows down.   She loves her “Big Boys”, Milo (age 14) and Simonelli (age 15), getting them to chase and play with her.  They curl up together and groom each other.  

From a tiny, pathetic, stinky kitten to a gorgeous cat, Chris is a survivor.  I went from being Foster Mom to Chris’ pet person.  Thanks to the Grand Valley Pets Alive Rowdy Emergency Fund for supporting Chris through her many veterinary visits as a foster kitten.         Carole Chowen

Chris, Miracle Kitten.

youtube video on Trap and Return: